DADAism wasn't an art movement, it was anti-art. In this same spirit, cookingDADA is far from gourmet, but at least everything here is edible. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

New Irish American Dessert Cocktail! Sort of...

So I took the time to take a picture of this sexy boozy excuse for putting alcohol and dessert in a glass together, and I thought it at least deserved a shout on cookingDADA. But, shhhh, don't tell it that it didn't make it onto the finals list of the Decadent Dessert Cocktail Recipes article.

But here it is for you! We could collectively name it. How about a Mint Rootbeer Float? That's not entirely conclusive though, so maybe an Irish Mint Float (for the Bailey's part, Irish, see?) But that doesn't include the distinctly American Kentucky bourbon so maybe the Irish-American Mint Chocolate Chip Float. Whew. Get your mouth around that.

So what's in it?!? 

-1 1/2 oz. Kentucky bourbon
-1 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
-1/2 tspn. Vanilla extract
-Several scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream
-Root beer!

Alright, you're thinking that sounds fucking fantastic! Or maybe, wtf? Mint and rootbeer? Loser. Or maybe, what's with the damn orange? Nothing really. I just thought it looked better than a fish and and several oranges:

You may be wondering why this reject of a dessert cocktail is featured here on cookingDADA if isn't delightfully tasty. Well I didn't say it was BAD bad. I drank it. Quickly too. It was a study in flavor recognition. 

What am I tasting? Is that mint, rootbeer? What is happening in my mouth right now? Take another drink and learn, the brain would say. 

Soon it had reached that succulent stage of rootbeerfloatism when all the flavors had melded into one subtly carbonated thick milkshake that was pumped into my belly by the vaccuuminous power of my sucking engine. Wow. That sounds really odd, and no, I don't think vaccuminous is an actual word. 

Google says...nope. Your search did not match any documents. 

Whatever. I think it's time you found out about this Irish-American Mint Chocolate Chip Float yourself. Go on. It's a mystery, drink it. Really. Tell them I said it's O. K. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dessert Cocktails Anyone?

I have finally started updating my blogs and posting on Hubpages (you can visit my articles here: ) again. I swore off all social media action until I finished the first draft of my third attempt at a novel. And you know what? I thought it was time for a drink!

For that reason I will be posting many a fine cocktail, or at least sweet and decadent, since those seem to take the best photos. Rather than repost the entire recipe here, just click on the link to learn more. Thanks and enjoy!

Hot Choco-Hazelnutty Thing. Deadly.

I started in on a recipe I found on the INTERNET, but when I started making it I changed everything. If you like hot chocolate, Nutella, Frangelico and thick decadent dessert drinks, this is for you. Check it out here: Decadent Dessert Cocktail Recipes

Peanut Butter and Jelly Martini
When I heard about this on the Travel Channel, I had to take a stab at it. Suffice it to say that this wasn't my first try, but I'm pretty satisfied with the results. The taste is not overwhelming, and the drink packs quite a punch. 

Definitely have to play with the measurements to get the taste to your liking, but isn't sampling the best part of mixing cocktails?

Many more to come, which just gives you plenty of time to practice your drinking :-)